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Simplified Chinese version of Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure is now open for pre-ordering!

Tap, match, and learn!

Learning Chinese is no longer dull, as interactive exercises are much more fun than memorizing a dictionary!

"The little professor". Raised in an ordinary family. Curious and knowledgeable.
Adventuring Turtle
Born into a wealthy family. Simple and cheerful. Generally a slow learner.
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
* 可以點擊了解角色喔
Grew up in a foreign country and a beginner in Chinese. Has a goofy sense of pride.
Little Sweet Unicorn
Adventuring Turtle
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
Little Sweet Unicorn
Create tailored Chinese language classes using AI and interactively conduct lesson with the entire class in real time. Designed for teachers and parents.
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Tap, turn, and learn English!

Learning English is no longer dull, as interactive exercises are much more fun than memorizing a dictionary!

"The little professor". Raised in an ordinary family. Curious and knowledgeable.
Adventuring Turtle
Born into a wealthy family. Simple and cheerful. Generally a slow learner.
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
* 可以點擊了解角色喔
Grew up in a foreign country and a beginner in Chinese. Has a goofy sense of pride.
Little Sweet Unicorn
Adventuring Turtle
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
Little Sweet Unicorn

Turtle Learn has been officially awarded ESSA Level 4!

"Demonstrates a rationale based on high-quality research findings or positive evaluation that such activity, strategy, or intervention is likely to improve student outcomes or other relevant outcomes, and includes ongoing efforts to examine the effects of such activity, strategy, or intervention."

View Report

From the team that brought you “Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure”, here we present to you “Turtle Practice”, now available on all smartphone platforms!

Parents absolutely love our writing component from “Touring Turtle”, so we are now launching it as an independent app! Download now from your App Store/ Google Play Store, and put an end to worries and nightmares that your children have over studying Chinese.

Over 3,000 vocabularies from the “Hong Kong Chinese Lexical Lists for Primary Learning”

AI-empowered stroke order practice

OCR scan-and-go word list creation

Create and share word list with friends

Tap, match, and learn!

Learning Chinese is no longer dull, as interactive exercises are much more fun than memorizing a dictionary!

"The little professor". Raised in an ordinary family. Curious and knowledgeable.
Adventuring Turtle
Born into a wealthy family. Simple and cheerful. Generally a slow learner.
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
* 可以點擊了解角色喔
Grew up in a foreign country and a beginner in Chinese. Has a goofy sense of pride.
Little Sweet Unicorn
Adventuring Turtle
Princeling Dino
Chung Chung
Little Sweet Unicorn
Product Features
Smart Learning Cards for iPad
Smart Learning Cards for iPad
Easily learn over 300 Chinese characters and vocabularies
Easily learn over 300 Chinese characters and vocabularies
Artificial Intelligence(AI) Empowered Stroke Exercise: Learn writing in a smart way
Artificial Intelligence(AI) Empowered Stroke Exercise: Learn writing in a smart way
Change to English interface with one button
Change to English interface with one button
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  1. Choose the correct radical and parts card
  2. Place the card in the correct box. Pay attention to card orientation. 
  3. Go the next stage with a correct answer!
  4. Then write this word again.
  5. Once written correctly, you can move to the next level!
School ❤ Touring Turtle
Interactive gameplay enables children to learn on their own more effectively. And that's why more than 50 schools in Hong Kong have already adopted "Touring Turtle" as a classroom teaching tool.
School Order
School ❤ Touring Turtle
Interactive gameplay enables children to learn on their own more effectively. And that's why more than 50 schools in Hong Kong have already adopted "Touring Turtle" as a classroom teaching tool.
School Order
《旅龜教學》效能 - NCS 學生
  • 平均分上升4.43%(p 值小於 0.05)
  • 偏度改善 0.424 (統計分佈的左側的尾部縮小)
School Order
《旅龜教學》效能 - 整體學生
  • Average score increased by 6.59% (p-value < 0.05)
  • Distribution skewness improved by 0.203 (tail reduction on the left side of the statistical distribution)
School Order
Turtle Learn services for schools
  • Convert tailored curriculum pedagogy into electronic means via Turtle Teach platform
  • Chinese writing and cognitive-training activities (in-class and/or extracurricular)
  • Student progress assessment
  • Seminars on Chinese subject teaching
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% of students
Chinese Language Test Scores
Efficacy of Turtle Learn - Empirical results from school trials
  • Mean score increased by 9.69 (p-value < 0.05)
  • Distribution skewness improved by 0.203 (tail reduction on the left side of the statistical distribution)
  • The improvement is particularly evident in the group of students whose grades need the most help:
    First Quartile: Mean score +28.3
    Second Quartile: Mean score +15.2
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Turtle Learn services for schools
  • Convert tailored curriculum pedagogy into electronic means via Turtle Teach platform
  • Chinese writing and cognitive-training activities (in-class and/or extracurricular)
  • Student progress assessment
  • Seminars on Chinese subject teaching
  • Professional team specializes in assisting different student groups: regular, gifted, ethnic minorities, special education needs students
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Schools and institutions that have adopted Turtle Learn (partial list)*

* Special purchase discount available for education institutions

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What our users say

" ...每位家長都好注重小朋友既早期發展,如果基礎打好咗,日後學習都唔會太辛苦。呢套《旅龜中文冒險》玩法多,又唔會太難用,令到小朋友可以坐定定玩,加強佢既學習興趣,我絕對會推薦俾其他家長同小朋友,齊齊輕鬆有趣學中文,享受樂趣!"

多謝Oh!爸媽挑選我哋成為試用專員! 相對而言,其實小朋友學習中文都比較難,例如記筆劃、學讀音。我地平時都俾小朋友睇多啲故事書,等佢地認多啲字。不過小朋友邊會咁乖坐定定,所以我地都會再搵下唔同既中文教學套裝,等佢可以學中文學得有趣啲,興趣又會大啲。咁岩見到有《旅龜中文冒險》體驗版既試用,就即刻報名申請喇!呢套《旅龜中文冒險》配合實體觸感+ 數碼互動,等小朋友可以輕鬆學中文。佢本身既實體字卡上面有凸版磨砂,小朋友拎起張卡都會剌激佢觸感既發展。

字卡可以放上Ipad 既教學APP 學下認字,例如唔同既部首寫法等等,小朋友可以透過app學習標準粵語、普通話發音,加深記憶。仲可以用埋Applepen 學筆順。多款玩法令小朋友絕對唔會悶,就好似我囡囡咁玩得好開心,急不及待想再買啲字卡俾佢玩。


- 家長 K.

" ...呢個"旅龜中文冒險"遊戲,完全值得玩。唔會驚小朋友學壞,反而會越學越好添,真心覺得值得。"

用左”旅龜中文冒險”對小朋友真係好有幫助!!雖然有三個小朋友,但我同爸爸同埋其他兩位小朋友都係右手,但其中一位小朋友係左手的。所以我地對於筆劃方面,其實成日都有d 困難,因為我對對於左手既寫法完全零概念。。直至知道有”旅龜中文冒險”呢個apps, 簡直係我既一大喜訊!!

收到"旅龜中文冒險"體驗版套裝,小朋友急不及待就要馬上拆黎玩,原來本身套裝需要移除保護貼先可以玩到。未能移除保護貼都唔緊要,可以有一個用筆玩既模式,小朋友用小手寫字就可以,如果筆劃錯左,apps 會有提示,教返你正確筆劃,如果個字小朋友唔識寫,仲可以用提示功能,系統會出現好淺灰色既線教你寫,完全唔駛擔心唔識寫。

開頭用唔到"用卡玩"既功能,小朋友有小小失望,但突然小朋友試到ipad 能夠認到,真正解開左用卡玩既功能。小朋友非常開心!!

呢個apps 係用場景形式玩既,所以小朋友好似真係"打機"咁玩,答岩題目,又會有小成就,其實小成就就等於解鎖一d 小禮物,令你係apps 中既主角可以用唔同既配飾,例如小書包,頭飾等等。。。小朋友越玩越開心,好有成功感,仲主動要求要成日玩,同埋希望我買晒全套添。


- 小朋友 G. 家長

" ..家姐自己完成曬的任務,好開心地同我們分享,真的好難得見到她不抗拒學習中文!因為之前都有試過繪本教學,透過畫畫整收手工學中文都不成功。現在希望「旅龜🐢」能夠繼續帶家姐去冒險💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼"





- Ms. Hsu

" ...弟弟都識字直線字架!岩岩放上Facebook已經有幾個媽咪問我呢套野易唔易上手!絕對值得推薦!因為部iPad係學校,所以請老師幫忙下載app嘅時候,老師都話呢個係好野黎!"

呢一set卡真係好岩我2個仔!一個k1學認字,一個小一要寫字。弟弟一睇到就勁開心,因為平時唔俾佢玩iPad …而哥哥都好有興趣寫入面啲字!



哥哥用iPad 寫字,呢個app嘅好處係,佢寫錯會提示佢,就算寫嘅筆劃唔靚,佢每一筆都會岀返靚嘅筆劃,等使用者記得正確位置!


- Ms. Lau

" ...最近佢好抗拒中文,唔肯再寫中文字,所以我就揾左其他方法比佢試,希望佢會對中文有返興趣啦!佢試左《旅龜中文冒險》體驗版一星期之後,明顯變得好積極主動咁攞起iPad同埋拼字卡,開個APP黎玩中文認字、寫字遊戲,佢肯自動自覺學中文,我真係好驚喜!"




- 家長 I.

" ..寫完字仲可以聽返標準粵語同埋普通話發音,呢嗰《旅龜中文冒險》真係全面地幫到小朋友學習!因為佢包曬觸覺、視覺、聽覺嘅輸入,仲有開心快樂嘅元素 ... 等佢學多啲不同類型嘅嘢,唔駛再跑去言語治療師喥學說話啦!"



開咗嗰Apps, 開始數碼互動,阿仔一聽見啲背景音樂已經好開心,不停地試㩒每個制,學習就係要建立在自己有興趣嘅事情之上,成功既第一步已經開始咗!

跟每個部首學寫字,仲有得睇繁體字嘅筆順,正確學習中文字既精粹,除此之外,仲有左右對稱,上下空間感等等嘅訓練都可以一次過喺呢個Apps 解決曬!睇嚟佢份功課唔會再出現「啲字跌倒」、「隻字飛咗上天空」或者「一隻字變兩隻字」嘅奇怪嘢啦掛~


- Ms. Chan

" ...之前試過買練習比仔仔學中文,但係一打開本練習佢就嗌悶,咁我又唔想佢怕咗中文,所以平時都係同佢講下故事書咁。今次呢個《旅龜中文冒險》,配合埋iPad一齊玩 ... 話下次要揾埋表哥一齊玩"






- 小朋友 J. 家長

" ...唔單止字卡配對,APP入面仲有發音功能,有標準粵語、普通話發音提供。仲有一個係可以學埋正確筆順,學音同時學埋寫字,真係好方便!入面既場景仲好生活化,係平時日常生活的中文字,真係好切合小朋友用。"





- 小朋友 K. 家長

" ..進入家庭場景後,女兒試用不同字卡來學習生字。IPad的操作令到女兒感興趣,也不斷嘗試不同的字卡來完成遊戲。

由於用iPad 操作,因此平常不愛寫字的她也不斷嘗試。"



由於用iPad 操作,因此平常不愛寫字的她也不斷嘗試。

- Ms. Chau

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All-round Chinese and English Learning Package: [Traditional Chinese Hong Kong Version] Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure (Home Edition Set 1 & 2) + Cookie Kiddle: Smart English Learning Cube

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Touring Turtle Bundle: Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure (Traditional Chinese Hong Kong Version Set 1 & 2)

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[Simplified Chinese version] Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure: (Set 1 + Set 2)

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Want to improve your children's English further? Longman Plus from our partner, Pearson Hong Kong, makes learning English easy and enjoyable anytime, anywhere!
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Want to improve your children's English further? Longman Plus from our partner, Pearson Hong Kong, makes learning English easy and enjoyable anytime, anywhere!
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Want to improve your children's English further? Longman Plus from our partner, Pearson Hong Kong, makes learning English easy and enjoyable anytime, anywhere!
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Touring Turtle: A Chinese Adventure (Traditional Chinese Hong Kong Version Set 1)
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