Longman English Plus (1 year membership)

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Longman English Plus (1 year membership)




Accordion style expand and collapse FAQ.

An accordion style F.A.Q. component that is vastly used in a lot of websites. In addition to the standard expand and collapse animations, I have added in a fancy little interaction to focus on each F.A.Q. item. The additional interaction can be easily removed as it's a separate interaction from the expand and collapse.

If you require any assistance in implementation or need any guide, feel free to text me. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have fun cloning. 😉

Product Description

朗文家是一個集評、學、測於一身的互動英語學習程式 — 內有大量音檔、影片、圖書和遊戲,幫助幼稚園至初中學生輕鬆提升英語閱讀、聆聽及會話等能力。

朗文家更備有AI 即時英語能力評測及學習評估,學習有規劃,成效一目了然!


第 1 步::利用朗文家即時英語能力評測*進行初步評估,了解自我英語强弱項,取得個人化學習方案
第 2 步:開始個人化學習方案
第 3 步:實時查閲學習進度和成效

*即時英語能力評測是基於全球英語水平測試標準(GSE) 編寫分級。Global Scale of English (GSE) 是一項精準可靠的標準化英語水平評估標準,可準確評估學習者在聽、說、讀、寫四個範疇內所達到的水平; 有別於其他評測對考生英語水平作籠統的描述。


教材區:190+ 本培生朗文英語教材配套電子資源
閱讀角:200+ 培生朗文讀物,邊聽邊讀,包括閱後小測驗
配音室:290+ 影片,邊聽邊配音,完成後可分享影片連結
來唱歌:140+ 音樂影片,旋律易記,歌詞琅琅上口
練聽力:570+ 音檔,包括英語故事及日常會話
詞彙卡:800+ 英語字詞庫,邊聽邊讀,即時評測
影片廊:150+ 趣味英語影片,包括科學、藝術、文化等知識範疇
遊戲站:4 個互動英語教育小遊戲
口語闖關:110+ 不同的口語任務,步步闖關,英語能力日日提升

Smart Device Compatibility

iPad: 適用
iPhone: 適用
Android 電話: 適用
Android 平板電腦: 適用
Microsoft Surface:

Payment Methods

We accept a variety of payment methods, including:

  • Credit cards 
  • UnionPay 
  • Faster Payment System (FPS) (Select "QFPay Secure Checkout" during checkout)
  • Alipay (Select "QFPay Secure Checkout" during checkout)
  • WeChat Pay (Select "QFPay Secure Checkout" during checkout)
  • Purchase Card (P-Card) (please contact us)
  • If you would like to receive a quotation or pay be bank/ ATM transfer, please feel free to call +852 35654523 or email support@turtlelearn.comand we will be happy to help you.
Shopping Process and Delivery
  1. Shop Online - Pick your favourite products and put them in your shopping card.
  2. 進行結帳 - 於購物籃內按「進行結帳」,輸入收貨地址及選擇付款方法。登入帳戶,可減少你需要輸入的資料。
  3. Payment - Customers can choose to pay by credit card, FPS or PayMe. Once payment is confirmed, we will process the order.
  4. 送貨 - 我們會於三個工作天內將「使用證」寄給你。
  5. 下載「朗文家」應用程式,並使用「使用證」上的啟動碼解鎖程式內容,就可以了!
  6. Customer Service - If you have any questions or enquiries, please email itsupport.hk@pearson.com and Pearson Hong Kong professionals will be happy to assist you.

Returns and Refund Policy

Please note that this product is purely electronic content and there is no refund or returns arrangement.

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